Everyday is just another day with twist; bitter and butter..life goes on

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We live in age of flash speed. Get things done in no time and have no patience.

When I refer patience it is precisely for waiting. How much impatient we become when friend reads the message and does not reply?

This wizard tool has brought people together. Do you really believe so? Read more

Dead Sea, dead relations

Sea is dead that is why it is dead sea. No life, no microorganisms. It has salt on it and people float when they let their body go on water.

It has importance from biblical era. It is in Israel. While it beeing deepest surface on earth we boast as highest point, Everest. There is somehow connection. That is why in 2012 stone from Everest region was kept on dead sea and viceversa.  Read more


कोही महान् आत्माले भनेका थिए, चुरोटको एक छेउमा धुँवा हुन्छ अर्कोमा उल्लु ।

यसरी हेर्दा उल्लु नै उल्लुले संसार भरिएको हुनुपर्छ । चुरोट खाने भन्ने बित्तिकै दिमागमा पुरुषको शरीर धुवाँले

निल्लिएको ओठ, बोल्दा चुरोटको गन्ध यस्तै चित्र दिमागमा आउँछ ।

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Do more of what makes you happy

At times we busy ourselves on issues of others so much that we forget what makes us happy.  Yes our body is made out of love and passion and this can only do well on these grounds.  And to make environment of love and passion we at least have to keep ourselves happy; forget what others are to..

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गेट वेल सुन ट्रम्प दाजु

जमाना नै झगडाको छ, रियालिटी शोका टिआरपी यस्तै झगडाले बढेको छ । एकअर्कालाई गालीगलौज गर्दा हेर्ने मान्छेलाई फिल्मी सिन झैं घतलाग्दो हुनेरहेछ तेही भएर अहिले रिस, झगडा, बिकाउ छ । उबेला माया पिरेम बाँडम् भनिन्थ्यो यस्तै कुरो देखाइन्थ्यो अहिले तेस्तो ट्याम रहेन, धुमधढाका, झापड, मुरम¥याइ मसला बनेको छ । र यस्तै संसार जो हामी बाँची रहेका छौं तेसको असली पहरेदारका रुपमा ट्रम्प दाजु खडा छन् ।

ट्वीटर उनका गाली अनि घृणाले अझ बढी चलायमान छ् । कसैले त उनलाई ट्वीटरबाट हटाउन ट्वीटर नै किन्नपर्ने भन्दै चन्दा संकलन सुरु गरिपनिसके । उनकै नियमित गालीको सिरिजमा यसपालि हाम्रै नम्बर आएको छ । उनले नर्कको प्वालजस्तो देश नेपालबाट अमेरिकामा किन मान्छे आउँछन् भनेछन् । दक्षिण छिमेकीबाट सानो छुसुक्क केही आएको भए यसले सबैलाई कोटा पुरयाउँथ्यो । विशेषत आन्दोलनकर्ता, टायर बेच्ने, समाचारवालालाई अनि अन्ध राष्ट्रवादको गीत बजाएर जनताको आँखामा छारो हाल्नेलाई ।

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What’s in your mind

Bit of a personal thing but that is what Facebook asks you. And we tempt to write and express ourselves. Same question if asked by a close friend we deny to answer on a breach of privacy. On top of all these, things we write as answer are sort of social connection. Wow!

Hmm a boy with a mobile device on his hand busies himself with social stuffs and becomes isolated from friends and families in real while nears with virtual friends. These are for sure no social elements. Read more

who does?

In our part of the world who speaks nice is hero. We clap on what someone says while same person time again fails on the grounds of performance. Also news too makes headlines on what politicians says to what has been done.

This has made us more plastic. We comfort the situation while problems remain untouched. Being away from problem may give us peace of mind momentarily but not for always. Things come again with a bang. Read more

Blame Weather you are saved

For not doing there are many reasons out of these #weather tops the lists. Bad weather is blamed in most of the occasions. If we look at the subject more precisely it takes no time to understand weather too is relative phenomenon. There are places where in a year we see less than 50 days of sunshine. For people from those areas our bad weather is a bliss and a festival to celebrate. Read more

Punishment??Thank You

At some traffic points you are not allowed to go straight and asked to divert. Traffic with whistle seems furious and may snatch licence anytime. You follow his instructions and divert. Few meters aways take a U turn and return for the same road bit ahead. To your exclamation you find people who were on queue are still there waiting signal.

At this point question comes to our mind was it a punishment for overtaking lane or was a reward. This is everyday phenomenon in Kathmandu roads. 

Traffic congestion makes journey unpredictable. You may be in your wheels for hours sometimes. And at those times crossing lane with 2 wheeler is rule of the game. Fear of getting punished? worry not you may be rewarded at many occassions and there is always some exception as in every other cases.