Everyday is just another day with twist; bitter and butter..life goes on

Category: day as it comes (page 8 of 9)

Where are we heading?

Well, things are blurred. We talk about rights. Rights to earn by not working. Those who work are charged. And how come we make Naya Nepal?

We don’t get tired talking for what is hindrance and never get things done too. And again we start a talk. This cycle will do nothing more then converting us to be negative.

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Ideas and execution

Ideas are never bad. They are in fact executable or not. At times we are full of ideas which merely see broad day light.

Ideas are like babies they need to be nurtured. They have to treated when things are not par. All we need to do is give them hand, ear and mouth.

Good thing work in tandem. Our body is wonderful example of team effort. All organs have definite function and they work so we live, survive.

Lets make a pledge to support innovativeness, let’s not kill genuine idea. Together we can.

Living life in moments

Every morning before banging on we stand in front of 2 alternatives. Continue what we were doing which is being on bed or come out of comfort and get going. Lucky are those who choose the second option. Luck too favors to those who try to stand on their own.

Life is raw; we are chef and how to cook/what to cook is absolutely is on our hands. At times we complicate things. Relationships depend on two facets. One how you take it and the other how next person takes. Sometimes we stand at such crossroads of lives where we have complete new understandings of it and contradicting. Distance in true relations really don’t matter. Only thing- how much you are available.
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Face Book vs facebook

Are you facing your book or facebooking? 

Reading has become obsolete as we are more sharing. People who have written no single line are working on caption on their photoshoped picture. 

Life is no real. People are plastic. So are emotions. 

Seems like world is at tandem with music being played. And yes no music is created. Whole set of orchestra has gathered not for symphony but for making people happy. When people happy we realize lately their happiness is fake.

Fake world has made social media an inevitable. People are living without brushing teeth for days but cant be away from mobile even for a minute. 

Coming back to topic, we used to face book we were happy. Also with snail mail life was at pace. When a postman brought a letter written to you there was happiness at par. Now people who used to write letter is at your screen coming live to you. Still we are not happy. 

World has come at mobile. Mobile is not life. It is stagnant. You are not travelling. Smart watch says it is time to move and we don’t. Machine has mastered us. 

Just a reality check. Number of posts you shared, liked today, were they really nice and you shared. Hmm things have become complicated a bit. Technology which has to medium is ruling us. This is where we need to be smart. 

Silence is the answer

Things don’t go as we wish. When they take another turn we jump for discussions which at many cases are with no results we wish. They make things further bad. 

Silence on the other hand can be best option. Have you ever been in situation when you are punished for being silent? Normally not. People quarrel mostly not on issues talked but on the way answered or specifically tone of answer. 

So mantra for today: be silent, things come back to you if they have to. And the ones who care you don’t need justification and who are not concerned on you are never convinced by what you say. Better be quiet. LET IT BE.

अनि मोबाइल अफ भयो

पानी जहाजका सपना बीच पानी घर पस्दा
जलमग्न ओत मात्र त थिएन
पानी पार्ने आफू नभएको
बढो शालीन शिष्ट भाषामा जिम्वालले भन्दा
मन चिस्सिएको कम अनि शर्मले पानी पानी थियो
निर्मलालाई न्याय नभइ न्याकिराख्दा

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बुवाले हामीलाई संसार चिनाउनुभयो अब देश घुमाउने पालो हाम्रो

बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिनमा अरु दिन भन्दा विशेष रुपमा बुवालाई सम्झिने गरिन्छ । यो संसारभर मनाइने फादर्स डे को नेपाली भर्सन चाँहि होइन । पूर्विय दर्शन छ्ट्टै धरातलमा उभिएको छ । कुशे र्औसी ती बुवाहरुको सम्मानमा मनाइन्छ जसले अहोरात्र आफ्ना सन्तानका भविश्यका निमित्त आफ्नो वर्तमान अर्पित गरे ।

बुवालाई मनपर्ने परिकार, लुगा र अन्य सामग्री दिई बुवालाई खुसी बनाउने दिनका रुपमा पनि यो रहेको छ । तथापि वरिष्ठ नागरिकहरु धेरैमा सुगर, प्रेसर र कोलेस्ट्रोलको रोग पनि हुने भएकाले पहिले जस्तो मिठाइ दिने विकल्प सही नभएको देखिएको छ । तेसमाथि स्वास्थ्यप्रति सजले खानपिनमा विशेष जोड दिने हुनाले पनि पाक्य कुरो र मिठाइमा जोड दिन छाडेका छन् ।
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What justifies not doing

Let it rain things are upside down. Roads which shined black are beneath water. Passerby curse. People responsible flee, if caught they reiterate commitment for their efforts in making life of people at ease. Things go this way for long.

On a recent rain at Putalisadak woman on her scooter begged for hands to hold her bike and bring it to balance. Her pleading was witnessed by her little child with her she was on a ride. Water not only challenged her ride but took her balance at a bay which is must for a ride.

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