Fever is high. After first leg of local election people have now one thing common to hover on which off course is second leg of election. How Madhes coalition will respond? What will be scene after all results are out? And what government will do to bring Madhes to confidence. These are huge questions that loom large in front of us.

All of a sudden government comes with decision-volleyball is our national game.


Well according to them (government) country was lacking national game so volleyball has been decided as national game.

image courtesy glocal khabar

If we look at the base of it, decision is absolutely right: country can’t go blank in games when it has its own flag, song, symbol . Sri-Lanka too has volleyball as its national game and there can be other countries too.

Only thing that should be answered is- issue like recognizing national game be brought into discussion in public or not? After Loktantra and Ganatantra we made new anthem which was publicly asked and chosen.

When song is given this much space why not games? Does it prove game is not a priority? If this is the process to acknowledging national status then tomorrow government is likely to come with new flag overnight.

Crux of the matter-on the issue of national representation let people decide be it government or game.