Sudhan Subedi @tweetsudhan

Day 1: Flight to Surkhet and Trekking Beginnings

Our journey commenced with a smooth flight to Surkhet, the headquarters of Karnali Province. From there, we embarked on an extraordinary trek, not your average stroll, but a voyage into the realm of mountaineering. Our destination: a ski training ground situated at a breathtaking altitude of 3250 meters—a height rivaling Australia’s tallest peak, Mount Kosciuszko.

Navigating through the picturesque landscapes, we ventured onwards, cutting short the usual trekking route by opting for a vehicle to Manma, the district headquarters of Kalikot. The journey, albeit peppered with the regular bumps along the Karnali Highway, took an unexpected turn when we encountered a dry landslide near Talo Dhungeswor, halting our progress for nearly four hours. Nonetheless, we persevered and arrived in Manma by nightfall.

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